05 November 2008

Donut Lover

I loveeee donuts! *minus the sugar and calories >,<*

Big Apple's just opened another branch at Jusco, Wangsa Maju, not long ago.
I like it, cause I love donuts. I hate it, cause I'm always tempted to buy.

On Tuesday, I went Carrefour for some grocery shopping, and bought 3 mini donuts.
On Wedneday, I was in Jusco for lunch and bought 3 donuts. One mango flavoured, and two chocolate.

During dinner today, my sis mentioned about how much I love donuts. When she lifted the food cover, looked at me and she went "Now whenever I see the donuts, it reminds me of you..."

Haha. And I read the papers before that Krispy Kreme is going to 'exist' in Malaysia soon.

Wheee =)

Someone stop me or I'm gonna get diabetes.

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