14 January 2008


1 week more till exam starts
I shouldn't even be touching the computer!
*slaps myself*
Hmm at least I didn't touch the tv!

So I decided to update.
My mail inbox went up to 48 in just one weekend. Mostly junks.
Facebook is such a..nuisance! Yes I use to play around with it but now with the applications and all...
I just ignored 25 applications people sent to me.

Accounts may be boring, but it sure makes you go crancky when you can't seem to get the financial statements balanced.
Hei and I just realised something.
I never ever did balanced any question whenever I sat for my sem exam.. That means from sem one until now, none of my exam answers were balanced!

*Big big swt*
I am so not fit to be an accountant.
*Rolls eyeball*

I shall be back with my expired end 2007 post.
Till then...
Night people!

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