02 November 2006

Me & Expressions

Hui hoi.Sigh.3rd semester susah betui lar.Zzz....Tambah lagi.One of the subjects, which is 'Basic Auditing' that was suppose to be my 2nd year subject is now dalam proses pembelajaran.And its like somehow related to some of the subjects which I haven't learn yet. So it like.....Headache.The lecturer also headache, because some of the terms we don't know.When she ask us..........Dunno,dunno,dunnooooo! Adui adui. =.=* And she loves to "OI!" when she asks a question and the whole lecture hall turns silent.Hehehe.
Hmm.Then my some of my friends find my expression funny.

Incident No. 1:
During Basic Auditing tutorial, as usual the tutor will call out names and we have to answer the question. So my friend beside me was kacauing;
Y:Ah ah.*Whispers to me*.....U seela, the next person shall be..Li-li-aan(thats how she calls me)
Me:*Nicely day-dreaming and staring at the blackboard*
Then suddenly......
Tutor:KOH SOOK LI!!!(note here.My name Lilian does not exist in my IC.Hehe.So that's my name officially.)
Y:Oiiii oiiiii she call yoular!
Me:Hah hah?What what?Me..*SMACKS FOREHEAD* ayoh!......................(Then I answered the question)
Y:See.What I say correct.She called you.Harhar.Your expression so funnnylar.Hah me then go and smack your forehead.Hehe.
Me:*grinz* =) Next time cannot sit beside you.After kena again.Hehe.

Incident No. 2:
At the lecture hall, my friend suddenly called me....
Me:*once again.Nicely staring at the screen.Day-dreaming.Keke.*..............................
LL:Eiii Liliaaaan!
Me:*Suddenly looks at her,with eyes besar besar,macam amazed.* O.O............Ah?Ah?
LL:Haha.You look so cutela.Look at me with such big eyes.Hehe!
Me: -_-*

Ush. So as you can see, expression plays an important role.Lol.And I shall remain with my 'smaking forehead' and 'mata besar' thingy.Hahah!
Hmm.That all for now.*shivers* Rain rain.Coldness.Bye byeeees! Take care!

Miss Lilis.

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