*clears throat*
forgive me for the previous hi bye valentine post. Haha. By the time explorer crashed it was late and i didn't have the uumph to retype everything again.
Anyways, belated Happey Valentines to all you people out there. Whether love birds all not, still can celebrate cause its meant for all kinds of love (which includes the love for your pets) hehe. I spent my valentines sleeping and relaxing. And I spent the early hours of valentines day bersembang-sembang in the car until kena halau by some pak hajis making their night rounds around the taman. Cis potong stim weih. Since when chatting in the car at 1am is not allowed...=.= Not like were shouting around the neighbourhood like sakais. Haha.
Hmm its been some time since i updated so there's quite alot of things i wanna type here. Lets start with the most suey punya. Hehe. About 1 week ago my com crashed, due to my very own carelessess. It got fried by the thunder. Lol. I was busy attaching something to an email, then ingat wanna wait for the mail to send then only off.. Mana tauu. *kebabooommmmm* the whole circuit in my house went off, then after that I couldn't on the com any more. Thank God it didn't fry the modem too. So here I am updating with my sis's laptop, till the com is repaired.. which I dunno will be when. Hehe.
Oh and I started my practical training on tuesday. So I just finished my 1st week of work. I sit in front the com for 8 hours everyday, key in debit and credit. Yes, it is very repititive.. But I'm still surviving. Haha. I actually applied for auditing but then they dumped me to accounting. For now, I shall stick to it, cause a bit pai sieh la if I suddenly ask 'eh apasal I didn't get what I applied har?' Haha. The 1st 2 days was frustrating because I wasn't used to the accounting software, UBS. The 1st day I had to enter in all the company's sales transaction, but I keyed into the wrong account so in the end I had to edit here and there. So it took me two days just to finish it. Then the next few days I did the purchases and expenses. My collegues all speak chinese. So for me, I'm the sesated one cause my chinese is like...barely even there... Lol. Two weeks have passed. Time goes by pretty fast actually. Hehe. But I've got like 50 over days of work to go. Then it will be holidayday trip to the beach again! Woohoo! =)
Its friday night now. Now I loveeee the weekends and enjoy every minute of it..by watching teevee and relaxing... Work ain't easy. Although its like you're sitting in front the com the whole day, when I'm get back all I wanna do is lie on the sofa not doing anything. Malas nak mandi, malas nak makan... Haha.And yesterday after a very long time, I started to feel super sleepy at 10.30pm. Waa I think the last time I felt sleepy so early was...Form 3? Lol. After that it was always after 11pm, unless I'm sick or whatever.
anyways, thats about it for this post. I can't wait for the Redang trip! Wheeee!=)