I've been tagged. And this one is to fulfill Amelia Lee,the Barbarian's tag request. Lol.
Layer 1: On the outside
Name: Lilian Koh Sook Li (I/C>Minus the "Lilian")
Birthdate: 22nd July 1988
Current Status: Single
Eye colour: Black brown? Hmm.
Hair colour: Brown
Righty or lefty: Righty,but I wear my watch on my right too.
Layer 2 : On the inside
My heritage: Er. Dunno lar. Haha.Maybe pure Chinese but having the ang moh looks abit.
My fears: Loosing a close friend, broken friendship. But it hasn't happen. Hehe.
My weakness: I do things slowly. Miss Mo. Slow-mo.
My perfect pizza: Nothing's perfect. Lols. I'm not a picky eater.
Layer 3 : Yesterday,today,tomorrow
My thought first waking up: Ahya what to do today? Boring. And whats for lunch I wonder.
My bedtime: At night when normal people sleep. Heheh.
My most missed memory: February-November 2006
Layer 4 : My pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King. Can refill. Lol.
Single or group dates: Depends with who. If its a group I prefer if its a group of 5.
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: I don't like any tea.
Chocolate or vanilla: Both?
Cappucino or coffee: Cappucino
Layer 5 : Do you.....
Smoke: NO
Curse: Sometimes without knowing. I shall repent.
Take a shower: DuhH. YESH.
Have a crush: Yes.
Think you've been in love: Yes yesh yeah. Lols.
Go to school: Yes weh!
Want to get married: Yeaps yeah yeas.
Believe in yourself: Er. I guess so.
Think you're a health freak: NOp no noh.
Layer 6 : In the past.....
Drank alcohol: Yes. 1% only lar.Haha.
Gone to the mall: Yes la dei.
Been on stage: Definitely yes. My legs were ttrembling the 1st time.
Eaten sushi: Yes and I don't really like it.
Dyed your hair: Yes, and I make sure its not those ah-lian multi colours. Lol.
Layer 7 : Have you ever.....
Played a stripping game: No and never will. Unless if you're referring when I'm in the toilet having my bath. =b Jk Jk. Don't get me wrong la okay!
Changed who you were to fit in: No. I'm happy being me,myself. It shows the true me. No cetak rompak.
Layer 8 : Age you're hoping......
To be married: Hmm. Whenever God sends me the right onela. Maybe before 30. Aya. You wanna know you wait and until you see me walk down the aisle. Hahaha.
Layer 9 : In a guy.....
Best eye colour: Grey brown eyes. Fuh. Leng zhai.
Best hair colour: I'm not particular about this. As long its not some rainbow colour.
Long or short hair: Short.
Layer 10 : What were you doing.....
A minute ago: Eating carrot cake from Jalan Chow Kit
1 hour ago: Sleeping
4.5 hourse ago: Sleeping
1 month ago: Studying for semester exam
1 year ago: In college having lectures/classes/having lunch at the college canteen.
Layer 11 : Finish the sentence
I love: God and everyone that God has brought into my life =).
I feel: Sleepy still. Happy in a sense. Curious. Gloomy and down a lil, because of the gloomy weather.
I hate: Hypocrites, smokers, people who spit everywhere.
I hide: Birthday cards or any cards special people give me in a box. Kekeke.
I miss: Someone in Manchester, someone in Malaysia ,my dog Sheeba.
I need: God. Faith,hope and love.
Layer 12 : Tag 5 people
Uh-Uh. No-No. I ain't gonna tag anyone. The tagging syndrome stops here. Lol.
26 February 2007
24 February 2007
CNY Part 2
Yesterday had lunch with Rach at MacMac (McD's lar) near my house. Then after that I lepak-ed at her house for the whole afternoon till evening. Boringlar stay at home. At night I had another reunion with my mom's side. Since we didn't balik kampung this year, my relatives in Kuantan came down KL instead. We had a 8 course dinner at some restaurant at Sri Rampai. The food wasn't great. To be honest, kinda lauzy >.< . Anyway since we are gonna pay for it, we ate it anyway. I ate two bowls of sharks fin soup and it kinda spoiled my appetite after that. And there ain't a single fin in the soup. Tipu olang ah, tarak itu sharks fin also. *Pif* After that it was time to settle the bill. My bro and sis settled the bill for my family, eventhough my dad insisted not too. Then everyone kecoh. Lol.
Aunty 1: Ahya never mindla your son pay the bill for you all. Chinese New Year ma.Once in a year nia.*Says to my other younger cousins* See you all next time, should pay the bills for your parents also.
Aunt 2: Ahya. Next time ah you all sure "Eh nola. I pay the bill for my girlfriends mother! You all...eat maggi mee la!"
Everyone bursts into laughter! Lolz!
Ah~I've got a wacky family I tell you. It makes things even more interesting. Keke. After that we adjourned to my aunt's place near Jusco. Yee Sang session. Ang pow session!!! =)
Today I visited my ex ISCA Cell. Same as usual. They played a game and ate lots of 'kam'. Then it was feasting-with-food session again. Yums. Spaghetti, curry chicken, potato salad, jelly fruit punch, junkies, and my all time favourite Ningko. My stomach is definitely bursting now. Elaine's mom gave the whole cell ang pows too! How kind of her. Hehe.
Ohya I watched a movie Rach lended me; Step Up. Oh after watching that show it made me wanna learn hip hop. Lol. It was a simple show that involves dance>combination of ballet and hip hop. Yeah I know the combination might sound weird, but hey the dance moves are totally cool. It made me wanna get up from my sofa and dance too! Ahaha! Ok Ok. I was just making that up. But it really made me wanna pick up hip hop =)
Hmm I guess this is all for now. Me got nothing else to say, Ta-ta-yo~
Aunty 1: Ahya never mindla your son pay the bill for you all. Chinese New Year ma.Once in a year nia.*Says to my other younger cousins* See you all next time, should pay the bills for your parents also.
Aunt 2: Ahya. Next time ah you all sure "Eh nola. I pay the bill for my girlfriends mother! You all...eat maggi mee la!"
Everyone bursts into laughter! Lolz!
Ah~I've got a wacky family I tell you. It makes things even more interesting. Keke. After that we adjourned to my aunt's place near Jusco. Yee Sang session. Ang pow session!!! =)
Today I visited my ex ISCA Cell. Same as usual. They played a game and ate lots of 'kam'. Then it was feasting-with-food session again. Yums. Spaghetti, curry chicken, potato salad, jelly fruit punch, junkies, and my all time favourite Ningko. My stomach is definitely bursting now. Elaine's mom gave the whole cell ang pows too! How kind of her. Hehe.
Ohya I watched a movie Rach lended me; Step Up. Oh after watching that show it made me wanna learn hip hop. Lol. It was a simple show that involves dance>combination of ballet and hip hop. Yeah I know the combination might sound weird, but hey the dance moves are totally cool. It made me wanna get up from my sofa and dance too! Ahaha! Ok Ok. I was just making that up. But it really made me wanna pick up hip hop =)
Hmm I guess this is all for now. Me got nothing else to say, Ta-ta-yo~
21 February 2007
Yes I'm back to basics-Black and white. Now I finally know how to change the skin.Keke.I have been browsing through blogskins.com these past two days. I loved so many of it that I had a hard time choosing which one was the best because I actually liked all of the skins there.Lol. Guess what I did? Since I couldn't make up my mind, I downloaded and pasted it on my html,one by one. Yes. So I think I actually copied and pasted like 20 types of skin html one by one. I am Too free =.= Anyway I finally chose this. Black and white, it can never run. I just wanna keep it simple. Okay enough about templates. Back to what I actually wanted to post about.
Chinese New Year 2007
Chinese New Year 2007
Another new year comes and goes. Hmm. For me it was kinda quiet this year. Partly because I didn't do my usual balik kampung thingy, and partly because not all my relatives were around. Furthermore it was raining alot this time. Well, the usual thing. 2 days before the 1st day of CNY had BBQ at my grandma's place. Ate lots and lots of potatoes. Since my uncle was going to Singapore on the 1st day of CNY we had to do our reunion earlier this time. Anyway we had a great time. After dinner we sat around and ate kuaci (Sunflower seed) and chat at the same time. Then my uncle ended up preaching. Lol. Not exactly preaching, just a sharing. I always admired my uncle. Great evangelist, pastor, and uncle. He has a great heart for the lost.It was great seeing my cousins, especially the youngest son. When we were eating he suddenly went;
"Jie Lilian! I remember last time when you small, when we play game you always like to laugh alot one!~"
I went;
"Yah yah. I love to laugh one lar."
I went;
"Yah yah. I love to laugh one lar."
Oh my.He has such good memory. And he's only like Standart something. And he was sooo much younger last time. Haha.
Yes yes. I loved to laugh when I was young, even now. I have always been a happy go lucky person.Anyway, that was Friday. On Saturday we had another reunion at my grandma's again. Just a normal dinner. Then, it was angpow session! Whee~ Hmm.Getting lesser RM each year. But who cares. Money comes and goes.
Then on Sunday, 1st day of CNY it was dinner at my place.Reunion Number 3. Haha.This time my little cousin asked a weird question;
"Jie Lilian!Why are you wearing boxers one?"
Jie Lilian replies "This are not boxers okay!Its just s short pants people usually wear at home!"
Hmm. It wasn't a super duper mini pants okay. Lol. And it certainly doesn't look like you guys punya boxers!*Pif*
Kids....will always be kids.
That was Sunday.
On Monday, 2nd day of CNY we decided to have a family outing. So we wanted to go Chilling Waterfalls at KKB. Unfortunately it rained and rained like cats and dogs. So in the end we went to some stream near Ampang in the afternoon. We are never ever going back to that stream. The water looks like a cup of milo ice. Swt. Anyway we went back in the evening. After that stayed at home for the next few days. Aish. Boring. There's not much CNY mood around. The next reunion will be with my mom's side this Friday.I can't wait for Friday. Finally have a lepaking plan with my friends.
So that's it for now. The rainy weather calls me to sleep. Wahahah! Happy Chinese New Year again. Stuff those 'bak kuahs' ,'kams' and whatever food into those stomach people! Kekeke.
Yes yes. I loved to laugh when I was young, even now. I have always been a happy go lucky person.Anyway, that was Friday. On Saturday we had another reunion at my grandma's again. Just a normal dinner. Then, it was angpow session! Whee~ Hmm.Getting lesser RM each year. But who cares. Money comes and goes.
Then on Sunday, 1st day of CNY it was dinner at my place.Reunion Number 3. Haha.This time my little cousin asked a weird question;
"Jie Lilian!Why are you wearing boxers one?"
Jie Lilian replies "This are not boxers okay!Its just s short pants people usually wear at home!"
Hmm. It wasn't a super duper mini pants okay. Lol. And it certainly doesn't look like you guys punya boxers!*Pif*
Kids....will always be kids.
That was Sunday.
On Monday, 2nd day of CNY we decided to have a family outing. So we wanted to go Chilling Waterfalls at KKB. Unfortunately it rained and rained like cats and dogs. So in the end we went to some stream near Ampang in the afternoon. We are never ever going back to that stream. The water looks like a cup of milo ice. Swt. Anyway we went back in the evening. After that stayed at home for the next few days. Aish. Boring. There's not much CNY mood around. The next reunion will be with my mom's side this Friday.I can't wait for Friday. Finally have a lepaking plan with my friends.
So that's it for now. The rainy weather calls me to sleep. Wahahah! Happy Chinese New Year again. Stuff those 'bak kuahs' ,'kams' and whatever food into those stomach people! Kekeke.
I miss those days where it was always noisy with chatters and laughters during CNY.
(Camerons; 2 years ago)

The Koh Clan a.k.a KohKohBunch =)
(Camerons; 2 years ago)
The Koh Clan a.k.a KohKohBunch =)
19 February 2007
Its is the 19th. Bahaha.
19th 2nd day of CNY
Sap kau sap kau.
I love the number 19. Hehe.
19th 2nd day of CNY
Sap kau sap kau.
I love the number 19. Hehe.
14 February 2007
Eiii peoplee!!!!!!!
Miss Liliz
As if I'm celebrating =.=". ANYWAY, just wishing for the fun of it. Although no one to celebrate with. Keke. For those lonely people, ahem, so called lonely, you can go and hug your teddy bear as if its your darling, or you can hug your dog, or smelly blanket, bolster etc etc >Whatever that you love on, this Valentine. *Cough*Don't la go and hug and buat muka miang miang with your bearla kay. If its your dog, lagila. Then your poor dog will be thinking "you so desperate until dog also wanna miang miang is it?". Lol.
For those ahem, lovebirdies, chicken birdies, sweet birdies, whatever birdiesla, enjoy this lovely occasion. Don't forget to tell how much you appreciate that person and of course...Ahem...the 3 word sentence. You pandai pandai knowla whats that. *Blueks*
As for me, I'm sitting here, typing all this sampah on Valentines. Its the 2nd day of my holiday and its getting bored. When I'm bored ,nothing to do, I end up washing the toilet >,<. Blueh. Forced to la. You think I so semangat wash toilet is it? =b If I'm not washing toilet, I end up daydreaming! Bahahaha! Daydreaming and thinking, dream dream all types of stuffs. Keke. But sometimes me don't like daydreaming because it makes me reflect on stuffs me dont wanna think about. Hurms~ I guess its all for now. Me is gonna stare at the nice view of KLCC from my livingroom glass door. Hehe. My new found activity on Valentines Day!
For those ahem, lovebirdies, chicken birdies, sweet birdies, whatever birdiesla, enjoy this lovely occasion. Don't forget to tell how much you appreciate that person and of course...Ahem...the 3 word sentence. You pandai pandai knowla whats that. *Blueks*
As for me, I'm sitting here, typing all this sampah on Valentines. Its the 2nd day of my holiday and its getting bored. When I'm bored ,nothing to do, I end up washing the toilet >,<. Blueh. Forced to la. You think I so semangat wash toilet is it? =b If I'm not washing toilet, I end up daydreaming! Bahahaha! Daydreaming and thinking, dream dream all types of stuffs. Keke. But sometimes me don't like daydreaming because it makes me reflect on stuffs me dont wanna think about. Hurms~ I guess its all for now. Me is gonna stare at the nice view of KLCC from my livingroom glass door. Hehe. My new found activity on Valentines Day!
Miss Liliz
12 February 2007
Dreams & Prophecy
Oi Oi Oi I am back!
Yay, exams are over,at last!Here I am back to my blog at last.Hmm. Let me see. Well my paper ended on Saturday, 4PM. I was quite satisfied with the paper because I could do it without craking my head much. The best thing is I could remember all that I read and memorized quite accurately (BTW its a reading subject,Human Resourse.Ugh!Boring.) . So I just scribbled all the main points before I actually wrote down all the other elaborations. Har har. It was the easiest paper among all the other papers that I sat this semester. Hopefully I can get an A for this subject. Heehee. I manage to finish ten MCQ questions in less than 10 minutes.Lol. No no. I didn't cincai do okay. Anyway, the weather that Saturday afternoon was rather hot. No. extremely hot. By the time I reach the exam block I was soaking in sweat and felt as if my brains were melting under the heat. >,<>
After that last paper, I had to rush to church because I was on duty for service. Tiring tiring. But serving the Lord, it never left me tired. Heehee. After service I was suppose to go for the Youth Aflame Chinese New Year dinner. But because of lazyness and tiredness I didn't go. So I went home and crashed about 11.30pm that night. That night I couldn't sleep that well. Don't know why. Maybe I worried too much about my exam papers, those that were extremely tough. Maybe I was worried about other stuffs. Ahem. "Other stuffs". I felt a little disturbed that night. Haha. Its just always like that. When I think so much about something at night, then I would end up with a sleepless night. Not only that. That night some ganas cat and dog were fighting. I was sleeping quite soundly when a super loud bark woke me up. Then I heard the cat shrieking meowing and the dog woofing, as if the dog was gonna eat the cat up. Woosh ganas. After that barking and meowing, I couldnt go back to sleep after a while. Then I started to think, day dream as usual. Lol. Day dreaming when I'm suppose to be sleeping. Tsk tsk. After quite some time, I managed to sleep again.
The next Sunday morning, I woke up at 6.55am. Due to not having a good night's rest, I had triple eyelids and my eyebags were bengkak a bit. Huah. Even Rach said it was obvious from far O.o I had to dance for all the services again. Although it was tiring, I sill enjoyed it. Hehe. Dancing, it will always be my passion =) . Then at some of the service Pastor prophecied over some people.
During the 3rd service, one of the lady he prophecied over had the same name as me! Waa... hark sei ngor. When pastor called her name " Lilian isn't it?" At that moment the worship team just came in, so I was still half prepared. I was shocked because I thought he was calling me. Adui. Lol. Rupa-rupanya its another lady who had the same name as me. Hmm. Tak bessla having the same name as people. Keke. After pastor prophecied over that lady, he prophecied over another man. Then....................
Yay, exams are over,at last!Here I am back to my blog at last.Hmm. Let me see. Well my paper ended on Saturday, 4PM. I was quite satisfied with the paper because I could do it without craking my head much. The best thing is I could remember all that I read and memorized quite accurately (BTW its a reading subject,Human Resourse.Ugh!Boring.) . So I just scribbled all the main points before I actually wrote down all the other elaborations. Har har. It was the easiest paper among all the other papers that I sat this semester. Hopefully I can get an A for this subject. Heehee. I manage to finish ten MCQ questions in less than 10 minutes.Lol. No no. I didn't cincai do okay. Anyway, the weather that Saturday afternoon was rather hot. No. extremely hot. By the time I reach the exam block I was soaking in sweat and felt as if my brains were melting under the heat. >,<>
After that last paper, I had to rush to church because I was on duty for service. Tiring tiring. But serving the Lord, it never left me tired. Heehee. After service I was suppose to go for the Youth Aflame Chinese New Year dinner. But because of lazyness and tiredness I didn't go. So I went home and crashed about 11.30pm that night. That night I couldn't sleep that well. Don't know why. Maybe I worried too much about my exam papers, those that were extremely tough. Maybe I was worried about other stuffs. Ahem. "Other stuffs". I felt a little disturbed that night. Haha. Its just always like that. When I think so much about something at night, then I would end up with a sleepless night. Not only that. That night some ganas cat and dog were fighting. I was sleeping quite soundly when a super loud bark woke me up. Then I heard the cat shrieking meowing and the dog woofing, as if the dog was gonna eat the cat up. Woosh ganas. After that barking and meowing, I couldnt go back to sleep after a while. Then I started to think, day dream as usual. Lol. Day dreaming when I'm suppose to be sleeping. Tsk tsk. After quite some time, I managed to sleep again.
The next Sunday morning, I woke up at 6.55am. Due to not having a good night's rest, I had triple eyelids and my eyebags were bengkak a bit. Huah. Even Rach said it was obvious from far O.o I had to dance for all the services again. Although it was tiring, I sill enjoyed it. Hehe. Dancing, it will always be my passion =) . Then at some of the service Pastor prophecied over some people.
During the 3rd service, one of the lady he prophecied over had the same name as me! Waa... hark sei ngor. When pastor called her name " Lilian isn't it?" At that moment the worship team just came in, so I was still half prepared. I was shocked because I thought he was calling me. Adui. Lol. Rupa-rupanya its another lady who had the same name as me. Hmm. Tak bessla having the same name as people. Keke. After pastor prophecied over that lady, he prophecied over another man. Then....................
Lo AnD behold!
Pastor pointed at one of the dancers "YOU!" Omg.
That was me !!!...........................................
I was kinda stoned at that moment. Me? Me? Ok Ok. So I just left my tamborine and went forward. So there and then, I received a prohecy. Fuh. My 1st one. While Pastor was praying over me, tears rolled down my cheek. Hmm. What was the prophecy ar? Aya. Cannot remeber all la. So the long. Haha. But didn't expect I will receive one. Hmm. Maybe God knew about my thinkings and day-dreamings and disturbance the night before. Haha. Well, God works in wonderful ways. Anyway, I'm still thinking about it. Somehow it felt different after receiving it. It was as if I was changed and all the worries and burdens left me. There were so many questions that you wanted answers but God never revealed it right to you face. I'm sure at times you felt the same way isn't it? Hmm. Anyway, no need to question God. We should keep our trust and faith in him. That's what gives us hope, through Him. Hehe.
After service was over, I went home and helped my mom make cookies for CNY. Every year we made cookies, but every year it gets less because one by one all the workers in my house left (Because of studies lar. Not because kena fired.) . Haha. When we were young our house is like a factory one week before CNY. My mom even forgot to fetch me from school one time because she was too busy with the cookies. In the end one teacher saw me alone and called my house. Lol. This time we made less because there were less hands to help out. I slept at 11.30 pm again.2 days in a row. I've never slept so early since...since...my last trip to Genting, which was in October. Ahak.
Oh yea. I finally changed my template after browsing the net, from every nook and corner for a nice template. I choose red, because it gonna be CNY soon!Keke. Plus Valentines is on Wednesday (As if I'm celebrating =.="). But the main reason I chose this template is because I love the tiger lilies on top, at the header of this skin. Niceleh the flower! Hmm. I guess that's all for now.
*Holiday boringness*
Miss Liliz
That was me !!!...........................................
I was kinda stoned at that moment. Me? Me? Ok Ok. So I just left my tamborine and went forward. So there and then, I received a prohecy. Fuh. My 1st one. While Pastor was praying over me, tears rolled down my cheek. Hmm. What was the prophecy ar? Aya. Cannot remeber all la. So the long. Haha. But didn't expect I will receive one. Hmm. Maybe God knew about my thinkings and day-dreamings and disturbance the night before. Haha. Well, God works in wonderful ways. Anyway, I'm still thinking about it. Somehow it felt different after receiving it. It was as if I was changed and all the worries and burdens left me. There were so many questions that you wanted answers but God never revealed it right to you face. I'm sure at times you felt the same way isn't it? Hmm. Anyway, no need to question God. We should keep our trust and faith in him. That's what gives us hope, through Him. Hehe.
After service was over, I went home and helped my mom make cookies for CNY. Every year we made cookies, but every year it gets less because one by one all the workers in my house left (Because of studies lar. Not because kena fired.) . Haha. When we were young our house is like a factory one week before CNY. My mom even forgot to fetch me from school one time because she was too busy with the cookies. In the end one teacher saw me alone and called my house. Lol. This time we made less because there were less hands to help out. I slept at 11.30 pm again.2 days in a row. I've never slept so early since...since...my last trip to Genting, which was in October. Ahak.
Oh yea. I finally changed my template after browsing the net, from every nook and corner for a nice template. I choose red, because it gonna be CNY soon!Keke. Plus Valentines is on Wednesday (As if I'm celebrating =.="). But the main reason I chose this template is because I love the tiger lilies on top, at the header of this skin. Niceleh the flower! Hmm. I guess that's all for now.
*Holiday boringness*
Miss Liliz
03 February 2007

Oi people!Back again.Hmm.
I'm in the exam season right now.Zzz.The first paper started on 26 January.It sucked.Yesh.It was terribly,horribly,disgustingly(I didn't know exam papers can be disgusting.Lol.) HARD!Haih.How how?GG lor.The worst part is, the questions that we targeted didn't come out. Well, before the exam we went through some past year papers. Realising that one of the chapters comes out almost like every exam year, we thought that it will come out again this time. Since it was one of the tough chapters, we practiced and studied giler banyak of that chapter.BUT......*Deng* Unfortunately for us,this time that chapter wasn't tested. Everyone looked through,hoping to see that question from that chapter(Process account), but sadly...."Darn!No process accountla wei". And the only thing heard when we came out of the exam hall >"Dieler.Don't wanna fail lar!Don't wanna resit lar!huHu!" So..Hopefully I pass +_+After that paper I had one week until the next paper, which was a Finance paper. Thank goodness it wasn't like that killer paper.If not...*Speechless* Hopefully this subject can add credit to my CGPA.Well, that wasn't the end of my killer moments.After the finance paper, on Saturday morning I had another killer paper>Basic Auditing.Wah.This one me got no comment *Too killer until I don't know what to say.Hahar.*
Anyway I got 2 more papers to go until sem holiday starts.So its one more week of studymania and late night sleep, and I have to resist the temptation of the TV and Computer.Arrgh~They always distract me >,< And my last paper is on a Saturday Again~ my paper is the last session among the last.Last of the lastest. Everyone is holiday-ing while I'm still slogging with my books at home.Ahh~ Aish. Until then.....more updates later.
P/S=Don't forget to call me if you all ada lepaking plans.Hehe.
Signing off.Hayah.Lazy to keep my books companyler.Zz.
Miss Lilian~
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