31 July 2006
Hei there people!Erm...My line a bit cacated because of the weather.So you'll have to wait for my next post which will be posted erm..soon..yea,soon.I have already draft it so sabarla k.Chaoz peeps!
15 July 2006
JUST REMEMBER,by natalie stuart
When you keep anger inside;
it is pretty easy to hide ;
but when you keep it so much
it often explodes in just one bust.
When you keep sadess in too long;
and just act "OK" and say you're fine;
you know in the inside you're wrong,
so why must you hide.
When stress and worry are on your mind
and all you can do is sigh,
just remember you cannot hide
from I.
When you love a good friend of mine,
but she does not love you back;
all you can do is have a good cry,
but do not turn your back on life.
Remember that I have been in the same situatuion.
and I know it is not an easy road;
but if you keep your faith and hope in your heart,
just remember that is part of the not so easy road.
Just remember that time heals and will tell all,and that God above has lesson for all.
Whether if it is about anger, sadness, pride, or love-
just remember that He has a reason for this
from the good angels above.
~HEi hehe.Just browsing through the Net again.And as usual when I come across something interesting...like to promote pulak.Hahah!~

Miss Lilis.
it is pretty easy to hide ;
but when you keep it so much
it often explodes in just one bust.
When you keep sadess in too long;
and just act "OK" and say you're fine;
you know in the inside you're wrong,
so why must you hide.
When stress and worry are on your mind
and all you can do is sigh,
just remember you cannot hide
from I.
When you love a good friend of mine,
but she does not love you back;
all you can do is have a good cry,
but do not turn your back on life.
Remember that I have been in the same situatuion.
and I know it is not an easy road;
but if you keep your faith and hope in your heart,
just remember that is part of the not so easy road.
Just remember that time heals and will tell all,and that God above has lesson for all.
Whether if it is about anger, sadness, pride, or love-
just remember that He has a reason for this
from the good angels above.
~HEi hehe.Just browsing through the Net again.And as usual when I come across something interesting...like to promote pulak.Hahah!~

Miss Lilis.
10 July 2006
dot dot dot
Yes I'm back again.Actually I'm kinda lazy to update my blog.Hehe..but somehow I have always have something to say especially when I have such busy days bugging me.Hmmm..Aih..Diela.This week and next,another hectic week.
This week's job:
(10-16 July)
1.Hand in BM assignment(Ulasan rencana).First time in my study life BM got assignment to do one =_=" I only know how to do karangan okay!*Sighs...Crapla!Must find bukti to support each ulasan and I'm like doing 'jenayah ragut'.Walao weh!Must find 5 ulasan isi and 5 bukti!Where do you expect me to find bukti for such a title...*slams head lightly on the table**moans*.. =(
2.Prepare English presentation.Each person has to present for 5-6 minutes.I will be presenting about 'The Universe' on Wednesday.Hope it doesnt bore my class mates.
3.Swimming lessons on Tuesday.Another long day.Plus another day of sunburn.Getting darker again.And another day of being called Ms. Nike by the instructur.Swt.Lame instructur.
4.Oh yes before I forget.Tuesday...Replacement class for BM at 8AM!AAHH!I DONT WANNA WAKE UP EARLYLAAAAAAA!Walao!8AM-6PM!Dahlah next day class at 8AM also!Zzzz...Sekali I fall asleep while presenting.LOL!
5.SAturday ISCA meeting..then maybe going church servise,maybe not.Sunday evening going for Orientation Oddsey Night at TARC.From Thursday to Sunday it will just be me and my mom at homey.Adui.Lonelynye.
6.Err...Eh..there's no number 6.Wahaha!*phew*
Next week's job(Fund Raising Week at TARC):
(17-23 July)
1.Tuesday ,9-10AM,jaga booth for fund raising at Canteen 2.Then swimming lesson at 3pm.Another long day.Another day of getting dark.Another day with the swimming suit design on my body.Another day with Mr.Alan who can't stop calling me Ms. Nike..Ahaha!*shakes head*
2.Wednesday-cannot jaga booth because class is from 8AM-4PM.Full day.So I'm not available.
3.Thursday,9-11AM,jaga booth for fund raising again.Then BM class-pembentangan of the BM assignment.Aih..Everything also must present one.Sick already.Then after this lecture untill 4PM.
4.Friday,2,30-4PM,jaga booth AGAIN!For the last day of course.Thank goodness it's the last day.
~Waa..I just realise this whole particular week, I'm gonna spend around 8 hours in college.And I end at 4PM everyday.And I start so darn early everyday.Zzzzz...........*pooof*~
But of all days Im gonna be the happiest on the day after Friday(21st July) which is Saturday.Wanna know why?*wink wink*..Let me tell you a story.
<In year 1988,on the 22nd Of July at Mentakab Hospital,Pahang,(erm..i dunno what timeleh) a baby girl which weighs **kg was born(sorry I dunno how much that baby weighs).Her parents named her Koh Sook Li.Her other name was called Lilian(NOT Lillian Too okay!)....THE END!>
HAHAHA!ok..yes yes I know that must be the worst story you have ever heard.LOL!Anywayyy....yeah!I'm turning 18 on 22nd July.One years passes by and I'm another year older.Hmmmmmmmm..........
Okie dokie!Gotta talk to the mirror.Practice presentationla weh..I'm not retarded.Hehe!
~By the way,my name Lilian is not in my IC and birth cert.My dad couldnt decide what name to give me so he just filed in my chinese name 1st.Waa..Didnt know got story behind my name.LOL!I'm the only one among my siblings which doesnt have my english name in any of my certificate.Hehe!But please,pleaseee call me Lilian.If you call me Sook Li I might not react.Hehe..Too use to hear people calling me Lilian already.Unless you wanna shout like siao lang then I will give feedbackla.Haha!
Ok!Better go before I add more.Chao people!Take care and God Bless!=)
Dot dot dot,
Miss Lili @ Lilian @ Koh Sook Li
This week's job:
(10-16 July)
1.Hand in BM assignment(Ulasan rencana).First time in my study life BM got assignment to do one =_=" I only know how to do karangan okay!*Sighs...Crapla!Must find bukti to support each ulasan and I'm like doing 'jenayah ragut'.Walao weh!Must find 5 ulasan isi and 5 bukti!Where do you expect me to find bukti for such a title...*slams head lightly on the table**moans*.. =(
2.Prepare English presentation.Each person has to present for 5-6 minutes.I will be presenting about 'The Universe' on Wednesday.Hope it doesnt bore my class mates.
3.Swimming lessons on Tuesday.Another long day.Plus another day of sunburn.Getting darker again.And another day of being called Ms. Nike by the instructur.Swt.Lame instructur.
4.Oh yes before I forget.Tuesday...Replacement class for BM at 8AM!AAHH!I DONT WANNA WAKE UP EARLYLAAAAAAA!Walao!8AM-6PM!Dahlah next day class at 8AM also!Zzzz...Sekali I fall asleep while presenting.LOL!
5.SAturday ISCA meeting..then maybe going church servise,maybe not.Sunday evening going for Orientation Oddsey Night at TARC.From Thursday to Sunday it will just be me and my mom at homey.Adui.Lonelynye.
6.Err...Eh..there's no number 6.Wahaha!*phew*
Next week's job(Fund Raising Week at TARC):
(17-23 July)
1.Tuesday ,9-10AM,jaga booth for fund raising at Canteen 2.Then swimming lesson at 3pm.Another long day.Another day of getting dark.Another day with the swimming suit design on my body.Another day with Mr.Alan who can't stop calling me Ms. Nike..Ahaha!*shakes head*
2.Wednesday-cannot jaga booth because class is from 8AM-4PM.Full day.So I'm not available.
3.Thursday,9-11AM,jaga booth for fund raising again.Then BM class-pembentangan of the BM assignment.Aih..Everything also must present one.Sick already.Then after this lecture untill 4PM.
4.Friday,2,30-4PM,jaga booth AGAIN!For the last day of course.Thank goodness it's the last day.
~Waa..I just realise this whole particular week, I'm gonna spend around 8 hours in college.And I end at 4PM everyday.And I start so darn early everyday.Zzzzz...........*pooof*~
But of all days Im gonna be the happiest on the day after Friday(21st July) which is Saturday.Wanna know why?*wink wink*..Let me tell you a story.
<In year 1988,on the 22nd Of July at Mentakab Hospital,Pahang,(erm..i dunno what timeleh) a baby girl which weighs **kg was born(sorry I dunno how much that baby weighs).Her parents named her Koh Sook Li.Her other name was called Lilian(NOT Lillian Too okay!)....THE END!>
HAHAHA!ok..yes yes I know that must be the worst story you have ever heard.LOL!Anywayyy....yeah!I'm turning 18 on 22nd July.One years passes by and I'm another year older.Hmmmmmmmm..........
Okie dokie!Gotta talk to the mirror.Practice presentationla weh..I'm not retarded.Hehe!
~By the way,my name Lilian is not in my IC and birth cert.My dad couldnt decide what name to give me so he just filed in my chinese name 1st.Waa..Didnt know got story behind my name.LOL!I'm the only one among my siblings which doesnt have my english name in any of my certificate.Hehe!But please,pleaseee call me Lilian.If you call me Sook Li I might not react.Hehe..Too use to hear people calling me Lilian already.Unless you wanna shout like siao lang then I will give feedbackla.Haha!
Ok!Better go before I add more.Chao people!Take care and God Bless!=)
Dot dot dot,
Miss Lili @ Lilian @ Koh Sook Li
07 July 2006
Ka-da-boom!Wrong turn!..Ka-da-ops!Wrong....!
Hello there people.Today at last,I have something interesting to blog...*phew..From the title you must be thinking that an explosion happened somewhere.Well,sad to say..no bom,no explosion.No..My college didnt explode.No..Neither did my house explode.And No,I didnt bom in my toilet.*giggles*..LOl!Just making the sound effects of something that happened at the parking lot in front of my college sports complex today.As usual,every Friday,my friend,Laili would drive me and another few friends to TBR(Taman Bunga Raya) to eat.Its been only half a year and we are just sick of the canteen food.Furthermore,all 3 canteens are usually very full.P-A-C-K-E-D!There was once I met my church friend,Leonard at one of the canteen and he went like.."I have never faced such a situation so far in college.Keng!"......swt..haha. Anyway back to the story behind my sound effect.So we were at the parking lot...Hopped into her car.Then she started to drive.Everthing went fine.Then...then...She was making a turn out from the parking lot and..*Ka-da-boom!Bing bong biang..Clash piang..chuckle chuckle ish ahs...* Ahem..She was too near the curb and she like ran over the curb.Swt...lol!The sound was...loud?..Yea very loud.A few student passing by giggled when they saw what happened.Haha!Pai sieh,pai sieh..Even though I wasnt the one driving.If I was the one watching I would end up laughing.Anyway my poor friend Laili was so sakit hati.So she stopped the car and checked if anything was broken.We were just looking at the exhaust...
Laili:Oh my car!*Sob sob.Eh...See the exhaust.Why like so much smoke one?
Li-li-an:Huh?Exhaust memang got smoke one ma.No meh?*scratches head*
Laili:But then you see.Why like the smoke very keng one?
Sharon:Ahyo Laili ah..Its normal la..Memang got alot of smoke one.
Laili,Li-li-an,Sharon,Xiaomin:*looks at each other* HAHAHA!
Dungus..Laili worried until see exhaust smoke also she got scared.LOL!Anyway nothing happened to her car.It was still okayz.I think she drove automatic car until her mind also automatic.Haha!
OH and by the way..The sound effects.I just made it up*Gotcha!Blueks!*But the sound was very loud.Everyone went AAAH! in the car.
This one goes for the Ka-da-ops.I was having my English class today.During the class,I wanted wanted wanted so so much to..erm..pee.Yes,pee.But a presentation was going on and the lecturer was giving marks so I decided not to kacau her.So I had to tahan untill the class ended.After the class ended...1 2 3 Pecutttt!!!!!!To the toilet!!I was walking at an extra speed..100kmj..LOL!When you are in a rush,you tend not to realise things.So that was me.I didnt realise where I was going.So I ended up..almost...Going to the boys toilet!!!!Noo!!!Hahaha!I was walking throught the boys toilet door when I suddenly realise something..."Eh,why this toilet the sink is on the left side of the wall one?Not right meh?".Then I looked at the tag on top of the door.OMG!Tandas Lelaki!!!!!!!!SWT!Lucky no one was there that time.So I made a U-turn and went to the girls toilet.Buat taktau!Haha!When I was in primary school I did use the boys toilet before.I went in and out without knowing its the boys toilet.LOL!Memang keng.
Next time,read before going in.Keke!
This part got no side effects,sorry.No more whatever ka-da.Keke!Anyways I was looking through some images after doing my BM assignment and I saw some lovely pictures.Cuci mata session!
Hello there people.Today at last,I have something interesting to blog...*phew..From the title you must be thinking that an explosion happened somewhere.Well,sad to say..no bom,no explosion.No..My college didnt explode.No..Neither did my house explode.And No,I didnt bom in my toilet.*giggles*..LOl!Just making the sound effects of something that happened at the parking lot in front of my college sports complex today.As usual,every Friday,my friend,Laili would drive me and another few friends to TBR(Taman Bunga Raya) to eat.Its been only half a year and we are just sick of the canteen food.Furthermore,all 3 canteens are usually very full.P-A-C-K-E-D!There was once I met my church friend,Leonard at one of the canteen and he went like.."I have never faced such a situation so far in college.Keng!"......swt..haha. Anyway back to the story behind my sound effect.So we were at the parking lot...Hopped into her car.Then she started to drive.Everthing went fine.Then...then...She was making a turn out from the parking lot and..*Ka-da-boom!Bing bong biang..Clash piang..chuckle chuckle ish ahs...* Ahem..She was too near the curb and she like ran over the curb.Swt...lol!The sound was...loud?..Yea very loud.A few student passing by giggled when they saw what happened.Haha!Pai sieh,pai sieh..Even though I wasnt the one driving.If I was the one watching I would end up laughing.Anyway my poor friend Laili was so sakit hati.So she stopped the car and checked if anything was broken.We were just looking at the exhaust...
Laili:Oh my car!*Sob sob.Eh...See the exhaust.Why like so much smoke one?
Li-li-an:Huh?Exhaust memang got smoke one ma.No meh?*scratches head*
Laili:But then you see.Why like the smoke very keng one?
Sharon:Ahyo Laili ah..Its normal la..Memang got alot of smoke one.
Laili,Li-li-an,Sharon,Xiaomin:*looks at each other* HAHAHA!
Dungus..Laili worried until see exhaust smoke also she got scared.LOL!Anyway nothing happened to her car.It was still okayz.I think she drove automatic car until her mind also automatic.Haha!
OH and by the way..The sound effects.I just made it up*Gotcha!Blueks!*But the sound was very loud.Everyone went AAAH! in the car.
This one goes for the Ka-da-ops.I was having my English class today.During the class,I wanted wanted wanted so so much to..erm..pee.Yes,pee.But a presentation was going on and the lecturer was giving marks so I decided not to kacau her.So I had to tahan untill the class ended.After the class ended...1 2 3 Pecutttt!!!!!!To the toilet!!I was walking at an extra speed..100kmj..LOL!When you are in a rush,you tend not to realise things.So that was me.I didnt realise where I was going.So I ended up..almost...Going to the boys toilet!!!!Noo!!!Hahaha!I was walking throught the boys toilet door when I suddenly realise something..."Eh,why this toilet the sink is on the left side of the wall one?Not right meh?".Then I looked at the tag on top of the door.OMG!Tandas Lelaki!!!!!!!!SWT!Lucky no one was there that time.So I made a U-turn and went to the girls toilet.Buat taktau!Haha!When I was in primary school I did use the boys toilet before.I went in and out without knowing its the boys toilet.LOL!Memang keng.
Next time,read before going in.Keke!
This part got no side effects,sorry.No more whatever ka-da.Keke!Anyways I was looking through some images after doing my BM assignment and I saw some lovely pictures.Cuci mata session!
03 July 2006
Hmmm...dont know why nowadays no moody to bloggy.Everytime I sign in to blogspot and come to postings..zzz...My head is empty.Ideas gone...creativeness gone....my siaoness to blog siao stuff also..G-O-N-E!(Wa..and this is the one thing that keeps my blog alive;siaoness!).Maybe I still have the siao ideas,but it just doesnt come out.My ideas are like stucked in the penjara..Penjara otak.Even now Im like taking more than 5 minutes to think for each sentence im typing now.Deng....That's it.I perah my juice otak until I have nothing to say already.So if you see my blog stagnent,not updated..then you know whyla kay..Im blank.I want a vacation.
P/S:Ji jian ah..My giler side reducing already..I know.Its so not me.
Miss Lili.
P/S:Ji jian ah..My giler side reducing already..I know.Its so not me.
Miss Lili.
digi oh sami
Yess.....Got a new monitor already.*kisses monitor*Hehe.Unfortunately I cannot sign in Msn messenger..Firewall settings..Something wrong.Cis!Today I would like to complain about Digi and also...Sami V****(Sssshhh!)First of all,.Digi I hate you!!!!Darn Digi.I dont know whether only mine is so cacated or what...Everytime halfway messaging then cannot send messages.ISH!*sigh...Then after 20 minutes later......"message sent"....darn digi!=_='
Secondly...Sami V****.He is not doing his job!Have you guys passed through MRR2?Its been like ...let me see...1 year?Since that highway has been closed.What is he doing?Shaking his leg eveyday must be.Dahlah closing this highway causes alot of jam.Want to go 1U also susah.Not only that.People like have to go round and round in circles just to get out from that closed highway.Swt...Last Saturday I went to Kuala Selangor with my sister and her cell members.We reached home like at 1am because we had to go circles around the housing area and we were also delayed because there were like so much cars cutting in here and there.And we were like cursing "Stupid Sami V****" all the way in the car.LOL!Now when my sis hear the news talking about him,my sis will go like.."Stupid Sami V****".Kekeke.Okay okay.We need to repent.But that minister memang taktau buat kerjala for sure.Ish!
Full of complains,
Miss Lili.
Secondly...Sami V****.He is not doing his job!Have you guys passed through MRR2?Its been like ...let me see...1 year?Since that highway has been closed.What is he doing?Shaking his leg eveyday must be.Dahlah closing this highway causes alot of jam.Want to go 1U also susah.Not only that.People like have to go round and round in circles just to get out from that closed highway.Swt...Last Saturday I went to Kuala Selangor with my sister and her cell members.We reached home like at 1am because we had to go circles around the housing area and we were also delayed because there were like so much cars cutting in here and there.And we were like cursing "Stupid Sami V****" all the way in the car.LOL!Now when my sis hear the news talking about him,my sis will go like.."Stupid Sami V****".Kekeke.Okay okay.We need to repent.But that minister memang taktau buat kerjala for sure.Ish!
Full of complains,
Miss Lili.
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