05 March 2012


I hate you so much

But deep down inside.

There is still love.

28 July 2011


It kinda feels weird when suddenly the phone is so silent the whole day.
And when suddenly the only one that messages the whole day all the while is now too busy to even say good night.

Ahh must get used to, must get used to it~ Haha someone please knock my head.

06 May 2011

So cold..so cold...its a cold cold situation.....

28 June 2010


I wish i didn't have to move




24 June 2010

Moving away

After 11 years living in KL, the time has finally come again....
I'm moving away from this home! Sister's married, bro's got a new apartment, so me has to migrate back to parents place. Sighs... I'm so gonna miss living here.
Can't go out for random 'yum cha' sessions anymore.
No more 5 minutes away from church anymore- instead now i'm 1 hours 30 minutes away. Lol.
No more random 'oh lets go shopping' with the girls anymore-instead have to plan like 1 week earlier so that i can come down to kl.

Wish i didn't have to move. All the hassle packing up. Then repacking....


22 February 2010


ACCA December seating results is out today.

Geram geram geram! 42 and 47 marks is sooooooooooooo near to getting me pass all the 3 papers!!!!

Should i resit 2/3/4 papers this coming June? OMG cannot decide. Stress stress stresss...........

God, help me......

21 February 2010


i wonder how people can do activities alone..or...live alone...

i can never eat alone. I'd rather 'bungkus' home. I'll feel depressed sitting at the table. Haha.
i never go shopping alone.
i never go watch a movie alone. Feels so weird. (no offence to those who like to do this alone hehe)
sometimes i feel like i'm rotting being alone at home at times, can start to feel the 'loneliness'.

i can drive alone.
i can sleep alone.
i guess these are the two things.
other than that, i'm a person that loves company.
i'm never gonna be a spinster *fingers crossed*

23 July 2009

21st birthday

Its something that I will remember.
No wonder 21st birthday's are meant to be a lil special.

I spent my 21st birthday at home.
With drugs such as fever tablets, antibiotics, cough syrup on my bed.
For 10 days (and still coughing like a mad dog & high on antibiotics).
And took 3 blood tests.

I got bacterial infection as part of my birthday gift.
For a few nights, I coughed as if I were going to puke & felt as if my lungs were gonna pop out. I couldn't take many deep breaths cause everytime I took one I would cough like mad.
I've been eating nothing but porridge, mee soup, bread & drank like 6 big bottles of 100+.
And I've been craving for a long list of food, which I couldn't eat.... Like roast chicken, bbq, ice cream, deep fried chicken, pizza, dim sum,steamboat,satay,ikan bakar.... Ohlala~
omg *drools*

The worst part is, i started being sick during the test season , when I'm busy studying,
and still sick for the next week after that, which was suppose to be a holiday.
Oh wells,
Life is so unpredictable.

But thanks to those who wished me on my birthday(and sorry for not replying)
and also thanks to those that prayed for me when I was sick
and paling banyak thanks to my other half for 'baby-sitting' the sick girl.

Toodles~ I shall be back when I'm healthy and fat.

06 July 2009

dot dot dot

I need the "uumpph" to study properly right now.
Progress test is next week.. 3 subjects and I'm barely halfway through...


29 June 2009

time to grow up

I need to be strong, learn to not depend so much on others.
I need to cry less, being a cry baby will only get me bullied.
I need to be courageous , chicken no more!
I need to learn to voice out my opinions, speak more,stand up for what I want, be talkative.
I need to stop being lazy (hahahahaa no ones misses the word 'lazy')
I need to learn to express, and explain myself better.

There's so much to learn in life =)