23 July 2009

21st birthday

Its something that I will remember.
No wonder 21st birthday's are meant to be a lil special.

I spent my 21st birthday at home.
With drugs such as fever tablets, antibiotics, cough syrup on my bed.
For 10 days (and still coughing like a mad dog & high on antibiotics).
And took 3 blood tests.

I got bacterial infection as part of my birthday gift.
For a few nights, I coughed as if I were going to puke & felt as if my lungs were gonna pop out. I couldn't take many deep breaths cause everytime I took one I would cough like mad.
I've been eating nothing but porridge, mee soup, bread & drank like 6 big bottles of 100+.
And I've been craving for a long list of food, which I couldn't eat.... Like roast chicken, bbq, ice cream, deep fried chicken, pizza, dim sum,steamboat,satay,ikan bakar.... Ohlala~
omg *drools*

The worst part is, i started being sick during the test season , when I'm busy studying,
and still sick for the next week after that, which was suppose to be a holiday.
Oh wells,
Life is so unpredictable.

But thanks to those who wished me on my birthday(and sorry for not replying)
and also thanks to those that prayed for me when I was sick
and paling banyak thanks to my other half for 'baby-sitting' the sick girl.

Toodles~ I shall be back when I'm healthy and fat.

06 July 2009

dot dot dot

I need the "uumpph" to study properly right now.
Progress test is next week.. 3 subjects and I'm barely halfway through...
